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lucid dream blog: latest research, induction techniques, & other tips/tricks

Elliott Gish, MA
Nov 30, 20181 min read
Public perceives lucid dream research as scientific and not esoteric
Lüth, K. J., Appel, K., Pipa, G., & Schredl, M. (2018). The public perception of lucid dreaming and its research. International Journal...

Elliott Gish, MA
Oct 31, 20181 min read
Lucid nightmares? You're not alone, approximately 50% of lucid dreamers have experienced them
Stumbrys, T. (2018). Lucid nightmares: A survey of their frequency, features, and factors in lucid dreamers. Dreaming, 28(3), 193-204....

Elliott Gish, MA
Sep 21, 20181 min read
Making music while lucid dreaming increases confidence, creativity, & possibly performance
Schädlich, M., & Erlacher, D. (2018). Lucid music: A pilot study exploring the experiences and potential of music-making in lucid dreams....

Elliott Gish, MA
Sep 16, 20181 min read
Dream Science grant study finds galantamine significantly increases dream lucidity vs placebo
Sparrow, G., Hurd, R., Carlson, R., & Molina, A. (2018). Exploring the effects of galantamine paired with meditation and dream reliving...

Elliott Gish, MA
Aug 7, 20181 min read
Bonk finds floatation tanks boost the success rate of inducing lucid dreams
Bonk, R. (2018). Floating for Lucidity: The Alternate Waking States Induction Method [ABSTRACT]. Presented at International Association...

Elliott Gish, MA
Jul 31, 20181 min read
Wilson explains how elements of the 1961 film “Last Year in Marienbad” are similar to lucid dreaming
Wilson, E. P. (2018). “Room, door... room”: Oneiric space in L’Avventura and Last Year in Marienbad. Dreaming, 28(2), 162-168.

Elliott Gish, MA
Jul 14, 20181 min read
Practicing sports in lucid dreams improves physical performance, flexibility, confidence & insights
Schädlich, M., & Erlacher, D. (2018). Practicing sports in lucid dreams – characteristics, effects, and practical implications. Current...

Elliott Gish, MA
Jul 5, 20181 min read
Vipassana meditators show no more lucid dreaming than controls during afternoon nap in a lab
Solomonova, E., Dubé, S., Samson-Richer, A., Blanchette-Carrière, C., Paquette, T., & Nielsen, T. (2018). Dream content and procedural...

Elliott Gish, MA
Jun 27, 20181 min read
Virtual reality examines lucid dreaming as a template for creating introspective experiences
Kitson, A., Schiphorst, T., & Riecke, B. E. (2018, April). Are you dreaming?: A phenomenological study on understanding lucid dreams as a...

Elliott Gish, MA
Jun 9, 20181 min read
Study shows 83% of French college students have had a lucid dream and 14% have them often
Vallat, R., Eskinazi, M., Nicolas, A., & Ruby, P. (2018). Sleep and dream habits in a sample of French college students who report no...
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