Study finds lower lucid dreaming frequency for people with sleep-related breathing disorders
lucid dream blog: latest research, induction techniques, & other tips/tricks
Attitude toward lucid dreaming is significantly correlated with frequency of lucid dreaming
Lucid dreamers have higher self-esteem, more life-satisfaction, & lower stress the following day
Physically interactive games show positive correlation with lucid dream and dream control frequency
Study finds 22% of Italian university students have multiple lucid dreams every month
Noetic and veridical information attained from characters in lucid dreams
Can lucid dreams help psychosis through increased insight & decreased dissociation? Research needed
Lucid dreaming could be used as a possible model for improving Alzheimer's disease, says Smalheiser
Gonclave suggests the novel Don Quixote might be set entirely within a lucid dream
Frequent lucid dreaming correlated with increased connectivity between certain brain regions